Law for the reunification of Austria with the German Reich, 13 March 1938 The Law for the reunification of Austria with the German Reich, 13 March 1938 Source: W. Michalka (Hg.), Deutsche Geschichte 1933-1945 , (Frankfurt 1993), pp.150-151. Art I. The constitutional law for the reunification of Austria with the German Reich enacted on 13 March 1938 by the Austrian Federal Government will herewith become German law. The text of the law is as follows: Based on article III 2 of the constitutional law regarding extraordinary measures in the framework of the constitution, BGBI. I, no. 255, 1934, the Federal Government decided as follows: Art I. Austria is a state in the German Reich. Art II Sunday, 10 April 1938 a free and confidential referendum will be held where all German men and women of Austria above the age of 20 will decide about the reunification with the German Reich. Art III The decision will be by majority of the votes. Art IV The necessary decrees for the execution of article II of this law will be enacted. Art V. This law will be valid the day of its proclamation. The Federal Government is charged with the execution of this law. Vienna, 13 March 1938 Art II. The laws of Austria will remain valid for the time being. The introduction of German law in Austria will be decided by the Fuehrer and Chancellor of the Reich or by a Minister of the Reich he can empower. Art III The Reich Minister of the Interior is empowered to enact all the decrees necessary for the implementation of this law in co-operation with relevant Ministers of the Reich...